
Creating Goodwill

The IAFF emphasizes fire fighters’ responsibility in public relations, such as creating goodwill and aiding visitors.

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Panic and Fear

The IAFF publishes an article on strategies fire fighters can employ to reduce panic and fear on the job, which included “keeping cool, accepting responsibility for taking charge of the situation, accepting and following others’ leadership and taking necessary steps to avert tragedy.”

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Photographers Award Contest

The IAFF launches its first annual Photographers Award Contest [now the Media Awards Contest], open to all newspaper photographers in the United States. Prizes range from $50 to $200.

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Truman Appoints IAFF Leader to Council

President Harry S Truman appoints IAFF Secretary-Treasurer George J. Richardson to the Federal Civil Defense Advisory Council. The duties of the Civil Defense Advisory Council were to advise and consult with the Civil Defense administrator regarding general and basic policy matters relating to civil defense.

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Redmond Quote

“Korea is not the only place a war is being fought – the war on inflation in Washington is now drawing the attention of those super-patriots who are primarily interested in the old law of supply and demand. If thinking is continued along the lines of labor drafting, as some of the proponents are advocating, get ready, fire fighters, to work in the salt mines, or in any other place where the Czar of Labor may choose to send you.”John P. Redmond, IAFF President (1946-1957)

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Publication of Wage Scales Ceased

The IAFF decides to cease publication of wage scales of fire departments in the United States and Canada in order to prevent the use of material which could be used against firemen by public officials at public hearings, or through publicity campaigns when fire fighters are requesting adjustments of salaries or working conditions.

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