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President Declares Fire Prevention Day

October 9, 1920

President Woodrow Wilson designates October 9 as Fire Prevention Day to be observed throughout the United States.

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Two-Year Anniversary

IAFF celebrates two-year anniversary with membership of more than 25,000 fire fighters in 200 cities.

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Baer Quote 1

“The right to organize and bargain collectively is the right of all workers. This privilege ought not to be denied to capital or labor. Organized labor established the fireman’s wage standard. Then inasmuch as organized labor sets our wage standard, does it not follow, as the night follows day, that we should make our common cause with the agency which in season and out of season, unceasingly and indefatigably strives for a higher standard of living for all workers – the organized labor movement.”
Fred W. Baer, IAFF President (1919-1946)

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Members Receive Official Button

IAFF sells a new button to all members in good standing – a Maltese Cross with the letters IAFF and the words “Organized February 28, 1918.” The new button is guaranteed for 10 years and costs 50 cents.

History of the Maltese Cross →

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